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Condominium Association Inc
Exterior Rehabilitation

The Exterior Rehabilitation Advisory Committee was formed on September 15, 2022. The purpose of the Committee is:

Phase 1: Advise the Board as to available professional best suited to perform evaluation of the current status of major physical components of Riverside Development.

Phase 2: Upon receipt of current condition assessment report, conduct cost vs benefit analysis in determination of scope of component replacement and / or required major maintenance projects including prioritizing thereof.

Term: overall - 18 months. Phase 1 (0 -6 months), Phase 2 ( 2 - 12 months)

The Committee Members are 4 members of the Association:

James Schlott - Chairman

Warren Icke

Alan Greene

Ariel Tavasi

Please send comments or questions to: mail@fullcirclehoa.com

2024-2-12 Owner Update
Bldg B Exterior Renovations Project Cost
2023-12-18 Owners estimate of cost letter
2023-7-18 Exter. Rehab Comm Update
2022-11-09 Committee Update
2022-9-15 Board Meeting minutes- formation
Committee Worksheet
Committee Goal Sheet